Flow Imaging Microscopy to Monitor Lipid Nanoparticle Aggregation

Detect early aggregate formation with FlowCam Nano

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In a recent study, we show how FlowCam 8100 and FlowCam Nano can be applied to analyze subvisible and submicron aggregation and particle formation in a lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulation.

The results of the study demonstrate the benefits of FlowCam analysis in LNP biopharmaceutical formulation monitoring and process improvement strategies.


Learn more about FlowCam

FlowCam offers a full portfolio of particle imaging instruments to count, size, and determine the morphology of particles from 300 nm to more than 100 µm in size, including aggregates of LNPs and other active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Newly available, FlowCam Nano offers advanced optical imaging capabilities, enabling detection and morphological analysis of submicron particles between 300 nm to 2 µm, the smallest particles detectable via light microscopy. It is uniquely suited for detecting small aggregates including oligomers of drug delivery vehicles like LNPs and exosomes to proactively improve product quality and stability before larger aggregates are present.

FlowCam for Protein and Cell & Gene Therapy Applications